Create Validator
How to convert a Full Node to a Validator Node
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How to convert a Full Node to a Validator Node
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While setting up a rudimentary validator node is easy, running a production-grade validator node with a robust architecture and security features requires a more involved setup, which is beyond the scope of this guide.
This section assumes that:
You've successfully setup a Full Node
You've joined one of the Xion Networks and have synced the chain
You've funded a wallet on the Full Node
We provide a sample snippet which will create a new Validator:
If running the following command returns something, your validator is active:
The Active Set for the Xion Networks cuts off at 100 Validators.
If you're not in the active set, you will need to court delegations to increase your total stake, such that it is greater than the total stake of the 100th Validator.
Active Set is 100 Validators